
"Bringing Us Together."

President’s Comments

“Bringing us Together” 
Hello, Bonjour, Guten Tag, Buenos Dias, Buongiorno, Aloha!

Spiritual Awakenings International (SAI) Presents is a great success! Since the launch of SAI in June we’ve had 3 amazing SAI Presents events, each that sold out!  Registrations exceeded our maximum capacity, which exceeded our wildest expectations.  Thank you everyone for your enthusiasm and support!  Unfortunately Diane Willis became ill and could not make her scheduled presentation on September 19, but we will reschedule her for another date.

Sept. 19, 2020 presentation on Kundalini and Near-Death Experiences: A Yogic Perspective, by Dr. Yvonne Kason. Due to Diane’s last minute cancellation, in order not to disappoint all the registrants arriving at our scheduled SAI Zoom event, I became the back-up speaker and presented my talk on Kundalini and Near-Death Experiences on September 19. I was delighted and amazed that nobody left the event, even though this was a last minute change in speaker and topic. Thank you everyone!  The video of this talk is posted on the events “videos” page on our SAI website for those of you who would like to see it.

Upcoming Spiritual Awakenings International Presents events expand our STE focus. We are planning to bring speakers focused on new and different STE related topics to our upcoming SAI Presents events.  We have confirmed future speakers on such topics as: Spiritual Emergencies; “seeing” or mediumship; Deathbed dreams and visions; Spiritist Healers; Kundalini Awakenings; After-Death Communications; and trans-dimensional STEs including UFO encounters (on the recommendation of Dr. Kenneth Ring). We hope that you will all enjoy these fascinating  speakers.

Veterans/Remembrance Day Event – Launch of the Veterans, Military, and First Responders Program.  Please join us on Veteran’s Day/Remembrance Day, November 11, 2020 for our very first event of our Veterans, Military and First Responders Program.  We plan to make Veterans Day/ Remembrance Day an annual special event hosted by SAI, to explore the special issues faced by military STE Experiencers, and to express support and our gratitude to our veterans for their service..

Enhancing our international focus to “Bring Us Together”.  To enhance our international status we are looking forward to going “down under” to Australia, with Dr. Nicole Gruel’s October 17 presentation, co-sponsored by Sydney IANDS, and Agents of Awesome.  Then on November 21, we will be going “across the pond” to England with Raymond O’Brien’s presentation, co-sponsored by the Past Life Podcast (both based in the UK).

Thank you to our new subscribers and new affiliated groups worldwide.  We are delighted that in just two months we have grown to have 500 subscribers in 22 countries around the world, on 6 continents – on  every continent except Antarctica!  We wish to say thank-you and acknowledge the new groups and networks who have affiliated with SAI in the last month. See our “about” – ” affiliated groups” page for website links to learn more about each of our affiliated groups. Our newest affiliated groups include:

  • Consciousness & Contact Research Institute (CCRI)
  • Debra Diamond PhD Author Network
  • Francisco Valentin – The Transcript
  • HiveMind
  • Passion Harvest
  • Portland IANDS
  • Spiritan Self-Awareness Initiative
  • Sydney IANDS
  • The Past Lives Podcast

Raising awareness about Spiritual Awakenings International.  Your President and Vice President have been busy networking internationally to raise awareness about Spiritual Awakenings International. On September 11, Robert Bare presented to Salt Lake City IANDS. September 20, both Robert Bare and Yvonne Kason made online presentations to the National University of Natural Medicine, in Portland.  On September 21, Yvonne Kason recorded a podcast together with Raymond O’Brien, for The Past Lives Podcast in the UK, to promote Raymond’s upcoming SAI Presents talk in November.  On September 26, Dr. Yvonne Kason’s blog announcing Spiritual Awakenings International was posted in Passion Harvest, based in Australia.  Dr. Yvonne Kason also recorded a presentation for the SHIFT Network’s “Beyond the Veil Summit:: NDEs, mediumship, and the science of the afterlife.“,  which is scheduled to air October 28.

Help us spread the word about Spiritual Awakenings International. Thank you everyone for your support, and please help us at this time of growth by spreading the word about Spiritual Awakenings International to your networks, friends, and colleagues, and by encouraging others to subscribe!

With gratitude to you all,

Dr. Yvonne Kason MD
Spiritual Awakenings International
“Bringing us Together”