Spiritual Awakenings International®

"Bringing Us Together"

Donate now

Raising Awareness • Networking • Sharing

We are grateful for your support of Spiritual Awakenings International® (SAI). For your convenience, monthly donations are now available ($10 – $15 –  $25 – $50 – $100). Donations of any amount are deeply appreciated!

Spiritual Awakenings International® is a 501 (c)-3 IRS tax-exempt not-for-profit organization.

A tax receipt will be issued for all donations.

Spiritual Awakenings International® is volunteer based.

All our SAI Board and Advisory Board are unpaid volunteers, generously donating their time, energy, and love.

Our goal is to offer all Spiritual Awakenings International® online events and videos for FREE.

Your Donation will help Spiritual Awakenings International®:

  1. Keep SAI subscriptions FREE to everyone worldwide.
  2. Keep our monthly online SAI Presents speaker events FREE.
  3. Keep our annual SAI Conference online FREE.
  4. Support the cost of professionally editing the Zoom recordings of all our SAI events.
  5. Keep SAI videos posted on our website for FREE viewing by all.
  6. Keep SAI videos posted on our SAI YouTube channel for FREE.
  7. Support the cost of maintaining and regularly updating our SAI website.
  8. Support the cost of posting additional translated versions of our SAI website, in several languages beyond English. We have recently translated the website into Spanish. We plan other languages in the future.
  9. Support our monthly SAI Zoom platform costs, plus other necessary SAI administrative costs and fees.
  10. Build reserve funds required to host future SAI Conferences as in-person / online hybrid events.

Your Donation will help SAI pay for our operating costs:

$75 – will pay for Mailchimp email fees for 1 month
$100 – will pay for a Zoom capacity upgrade for 1 month
$300 – will pay for website/technical support for 1 month
$400 – will pay for our Zoom license fees for 1 year
$600 – will pay for website hosting for 1 year
$1,000 – will pay for Mailchimp fees for 1 year
$3,000 – will pay Conference video edition for 1 year

$5,000 – will pay for SAI promotion and marketing

$10 K and larger donations will go towards a future in-person / online hybrid Conference.

Thank You!

Secure Donation by Credit Card, Debit Card, or PayPal

Prefer to Donate by Check?  Please mail a check or money order in US Dollars, made out to “Spiritual Awakenings International” to:

Spiritual Awakenings International,
PO Box 1613,
Newport, OR
97365 USA

Thank You for Your Donations!

Your donation of any amount is deeply appreciated.

Photo of a lotus flower