Spiritual Awakenings International®

"Bringing Us Together"

Spiritual Awakenings International®
Bringing us Together
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Spiritual Awakenings International®
Bringing us Together
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Spiritual Awakenings International®
Bringing us Together
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Spiritual Awakenings International®
Bringing us Together
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Spiritual Awakenings International®
Bringing us Together
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Raising Awareness • Networking • Sharing

Spiritual Awakenings International (SAI) is a nonprofit worldwide network of individuals and groups interested in collaborating to raise awareness, network, and share personal experience relating to diverse types of Spiritually Transformative Experiences (STEs) to raise global spiritual awareness.

SAI Conference 2025: Save the Date


SAI Online Conference 2025

“Spiritual Awakening: The Dawn of Expanded Consciousness”

Join 40 outstanding speakers from 12 countries

Registration opens soon!

Saturday & Sunday, June 7–8, 2025

What are Spiritually Transformative Experiences (STEs)?

The phrase “Spiritually Transformative Experiences,” (STEs), was first coined by Dr. Yvonne Kason MD in 1994 in her groundbreaking book, A Farther Shore, and expanded upon in her more recent books, Farther Shores (2000), and Touched by the Light: Exploring Spiritually Transformative Experiences  (2019). 

“Spiritually Transformative Experiences” is an umbrella term for a broad range of spiritual and paranormal experiences of consciousness, that all tend to cause a spiritual awakening and gradual expansion of one’s range of consciousness. All types of STEs tend to transform experiencers’ values in a more spiritual direction and propel an increased desire to be loving, ethical, and of service to others.

Dr. Kason defines Spiritually Transformative Experiences into 6 major sub-types:

  • Mystical experiences;
  • Near-Death Experiences (NDEs);
  • Other Death-related STEs such as: Deathbed experiences/End-of-life experiences; Death-Watch/Shared-Death experiences; and After-Death Communications;
  • Psychic/intuitive and out-of-body experiences of many types;
  • Kundalini / Spiritual Energy Awakenings;
  • Inspired creativity

STEs are sometimes referred to as “extraordinary experiences”, “exceptional human experiences”, “spiritual emergence syndrome”, samadhis, siddhis, ascension experiences, and other terms.

See our STEs pages for more details.

Connecting STE Experiencers

STE experiencers often feel isolated, misunderstood, might feel they are mentally unstable, and fear being labelled as “crazy” by others. SAI is striving to build a safe, supportive, and informed community amongst STE experiencers and spiritual seekers, and to increase understanding of STEs worldwide.

Open to All

Spiritual Awakenings International is multi-faith, multi-cultural, non-aligned, and is open to anyone peacefully seeking a higher understanding. We promote respectful and supportive dialogue of diverse views and perspectives on STEs. Opinions expressed by speakers at our SAI events are their own personal opinions, and do not reflect an official position of Spiritual Awakenings International.  SAI is committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion, and is strongly opposed to any type of discrimination.  (See our SAI Resolution on Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion

Circle of Honor

We honor and say “Thank you” to the ground breaking pioneers in the field of STEs and spiritual awakenings. View our honorees on our Circle of Honor page.

Affiliated Groups Worldwide​

Spiritual Awakenings International welcomes networks and groups from around the world who wish to network and collaborate to dialogue and deepen our understanding relating to Spiritually Transformative Experiences and spiritual awakenings, to become SAI Affiliated Groups.

View our list of fascinating Affiliated Groups worldwide.

Spiritual Awakenings International Presents - Online Featured Speaker Events

We offer free online featured speaker events each month, with international speakers on a wide range of STE and spiritual awakenings related topics.  To view upcoming event descriptions and to register, go to our website’s “Events” tab and pick “Upcoming”, or Register Here.

“Like” our Spiritual Awakenings International Facebook page to receive notices of upcoming events.

Videos of SAI Online Featured Speaker Events

We post the videos of each SAI event on our website afterwards.  Find the videos on our website under the “Events -Videos” tab, or view our videos here. 

Spiritual Awakenings International Experiencers Sharing Circles

SAI Experiencers Sharing Circles are an opportunity each month for anyone having Spiritually Transformative Experiences (STEs) to meet with others confidentially to share and listen, in a supportive environment.  It’s Free!  Register here.

Spiritual Awakenings International YouTube Channel

Subscribe to our Spiritual Awakenings International YouTube Channel, to be notified and watch new SAI Videos.  Subscribe to our SAI YouTube Channel now!

Donate now to help keep our SAI events FREE for all

We strive to offer all SAI online events and videos for free, to everyone world-wide. SAI is 501 c-3 tax exempt.  All donations are tax deductible.

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