President’s Comments
Hello, Bonjour, Guten Tag, Buenos Dias, Buongiorno, Aloha! Announcing our Spiritual Awakenings International (SAI) Board of Directors and Advisory Board members for 2022. SAI Board of Directors: President – Dr. Yvonne Kason,
Hello, Bonjour, Guten Tag, Buenos Dias, Buongiorno, Aloha! Announcing our Spiritual Awakenings International (SAI) Board of Directors and Advisory Board members for 2022. SAI Board of Directors: President – Dr. Yvonne Kason,
Lanzamiento del programa para veteranos, militares y socorristas: Día del Recuerdo / Veteranos. El 11 de noviembre de 2020 marca el lanzamiento del Programa internacional para veteranos, militares y socorristas de Spiritual Awakenings International, facilitado por la mayor retirada del Ejército de los EE. UU. Y la secretaria de SAI, Linda Truax. Conmemoraremos el Día de los Veteranos y el Día del Recuerdo el 11 de noviembre de 2020, con una presentación especial del Rev. John Price, Capellán (Coronel) del Comando del Área Estatal retirado de las Fuerzas Militares de Texas. Él compartirá historias de EETs como Experiencias Cercanas a la Muerte que le contaron personal militar activo y veteranos de los EE. UU., Y cómo estas EETs impactaron sus vidas.
“Bringing us Together” Hello, Bonjour, Guten Tag, Buenos Dias, Buongiorno, Aloha! Happy New Year to Everyone! What a wonderful year 2021 was for Spiritual Awakenings International! Thank you to each and
Hello, Bonjour, Guten Tag, Buenos Dias, Buongiorno, Aloha! Happy Holidays to Everyone! Merry Christmas! Happy Hanukah! Happy Kwanzaa! SAI Year-End Donation Appeal – Please Donate Now to help ensure all our SAI
Wow! SAI continues to grow at lightening speed, worldwide. In the 16 months since our launch, Spiritual Awakenings International has grown to about 2,300 subscribers from 61 countries around the world, on 6 different continents. How wonderful! We give a big warm welcome to our new subscribers from the newest SAI countries: Romania, Japan, Trinidad, Hungary, Cayman Island, Israel, Malta, Kenya, Iceland, Poland, and the Philippines.
Launch of the “SAI Experiencers Sharing Circles” – Saturday, October 2, 2021. We are delighted to host new “SAI Experiencers Sharing Circles” the first Saturday of each month, starting in October. They’re FREE! Facilitated by our SAI Facilitators, SAI Experiencers Sharing Circles are a confidential opportunity to share the joys and the challenges of your Spiritually Transformative Experiences™ (STEs) and spiritual journey, with a supportive and understanding group of other STE Experiencers. Register on our SAI website.
2,000! In August 2021, Spiritual Awakenings International (SAI) grew to 2,000 subscribers, from 58 countries around the world. Thank you everyone for your interest and enthusiasm to raise awareness of STEs globally.
We are delighted by our beautiful Conference 2021 Videos. A special thank-you to Joe Lagan who created a beautiful and inspiring opening segment. We love it, and are sure you will too. All the conference videos are posted on our SAI Website:
We are delighted by our beautiful Conference 2021 Videos. A special thank-you to Joe Lagan who created a beautiful and inspiring opening segment. We love it, and are sure you will too. All the conference videos are posted on our SAI Website:
Spiritual Awakenings International (SAI) is now in 56 countries! Wow! In less than one year, SAI has now grown to 1,600 subscribers in 56 countries around the world! We welcome everyone to the rapidly expanding SAI global family!
Spiritual Awakenings International (SAI) is now in 55 countries! SAI continues to grow in leaps and bounds! We now have over 1,300 subscribers in 55 countries around the world. In the last couple months we added subscribers from the new countries of: Israel, Malta, Kenya, Iceland, Poland, Philippines, Austria, Argentina, Ireland, South Africa, Sweden, Denmark, Ecuador, Turkey, Serbia, Bahrain, and Mali. We welcome everyone to the rapidly expanding SAI global family!
Spiritual Awakenings International (SAI) is growing rapidly. Thank you for your continued interest and support! In just 9 months since our launch, SAI has grown to over 1,100 subscribers in 49 countries around the world. We welcome everyone to the rapidly expanding SAI global family!