Upcoming SAI Events
Spiritual Awakenings International®
Join us for our online Spiritual Awakenings International® events!
Registration is free.
Suggested Event Donation $15 to $30.
Note: event link will be sent the day prior to the meeting.

1 PM Eastern Time, 10 AM Pacific, 6 PM in the UK
Ana Christina will share her powerful Near-Death Experience (NDE) and encounter with death that happened when she was poisoned for her million-dollar life insurance, paralyzed, raped and then suffocated to death. She crossed over to the other side and visited Heaven. She takes us on a moving journey of love, heartache, and betrayal, as well as the profound and beautiful love of our Father in Heaven.
She will share how this NDE showed her how amazing death truly is, even under horrific circumstances. Her audiences are usually at the edge of their seats and always say that hers is one of the most moving NDE stories that they have heard.
Ana shares not just about what happens after she died but also the powerful Spiritually Transformative Experiences (STEs) that took place before and while she was dying, up to the last breath. Ana’s beautiful NDE story comforts many parents who lost a child to murder. It has been a source of comfort to people who lost a loved one to suicide and is inspiring to all.
Join us for this live, online event! There will be a Question & Answer period after the talk.
Ana Christina has been a Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operating Officer of several corporations and agencies throughout her professional career. She has been applying her extensive executive and financial experience to help nurture non-profit organizations who serve underprivileged and vulnerable populations. Ana has been inspiring people across the nation with her amazing Near-Death Experience story and her ability to forgive and see her encounter as a blessing in disguise. The peace and love she experienced resonates and comforts family members and friends grieving over a loss of a loved one to horrific circumstances.
Ana Christina is the author of “My Sweet Encounter with Death” which she dedicated to all those who have been murdered by a loved one and their voices were never heard. Visit Ana’s website here.
SAI Disclaimer
All Spiritual Awakenings International® (SAI) affiliated groups and featured speakers are fully independent from Spiritual Awakenings International Inc. and are not agents of SAI. Any views expressed by SAI affiliated groups, their speakers, and by SAI event featured speakers are their own personal views, and do not represent the official views or position of Spiritual Awakenings International®.
June 15, 2020.