Spiritual Awakenings International™ Conference 2021
"Bringing us Together"™
Spiritual Awakenings:
Bringing Us Together As a Global Spiritual Family
Saturday June 12 - Sunday June 13, 2021
Dr. Bruce Greyson MD - USA
Bill Guggenheim - USA
Dr. Yvonne Kason MD - Canada
Dr. Francis Lu MD - USA
Jyoti Ma PhD- USA
Kimberly Clark Sharp MSW, LICSW - USA
Ground Breaking Circle of Honor Speakers
Renowned international speakers
Fascinating experiencers panel
NEW Spanish language panel
NEW “NDE Talking Dead” ™ panel
Discussing all types of “Spiritually Transformative Experiences” ™ *
Join us for Spiritual Awakenings International first online conference with tremendous experts and fascinating Experiencers from around the world.
Conference Co-Sponsors:
Chicago IANDS
Integrative Mental Health for You Near-Death Experience Research Foundation Seeking Heaven YouTube Show
The Let’s Talk Near Death Podcast Toronto Meditation/Self Inquiry Group
IANDS Down Under
Portland IANDS
Seattle IANDS The Past Lives Podcast
Toronto Awakenings Sharing Group
Conference Agenda
- Opening – Dr. Yvonne Kason MD, SAI President
- Earth-based ways of prayer – Jyoti Ma PhD, A New Dawn is Awakening!
- Christian – Father Charles Ogada from Nigeria, All are One- Be Alike to Everyone
- Yogic and Buddhist – Lawrence Edwards PhD, Awakening in the Darkness of Kali Yuga
- Jewish – Rabbi Simcha Raphael PhD, and Rabbi Geela Rayzel Raphael, Hearing the Sacred Calling to Oneness: Eternal Wisdom of Ancient Judaism
Our Time Has Come – Lead from the Emerging Future by Co-Creating in the Quantum Field
Spiritual Emergency Resolved over 50 Years
An NDE Life Preview, the Emerald City, and a Shoe on a Ledge
The V Code Diagnostic Category of “Religious or Spiritual Problem” in DSM-IV and DSM-5
- Wendy Williams, You Must Call for Help NOW, or You’re Going Home!
- Tamara Richardson, Love from Heaven – My 6 NDEs, the Gifts I Received and the Wisdom I Learned.
- Greg Thompson, Living with My Spirit Guides
After-Death Communication: Confirms that Life and Love are Eternal
Evidence of Reincarnation
After: A Doctor Explores What Near-Death Experiences Reveal about Life and Beyond
- Raymond O’Brien from UK, Hanging on by my Fingernails
- Robert Bare PhD, The Reckoning: How my NDE Life-Review Changed my Life Forever
- Dr. Yvonne Kason MD from Canada, Lessons Learned from the Other Side
Forever Angels: Near-Death Experiences in Childhood and their Lifelong Impact
(will be given in Spanish only)
- Francisco Valentin, NDE—ECM—Siempre serás Tú. You Will Always Be You!
- Ingrid Honkala PhD, La Guía Divina de Los Seres de Luz y El Poder de La Conexión. Divine Guidance from Beings of Light and the Power of Connection
- Ana Cecilia González MEd from Mexico, Contra todo pronóstico sobreviví. Against All Odds, I Survived
Conference Schedule
FIRST EVENT starts at 9:00 AM Pacific Time, which is Noon Eastern Time, 5:00 PM in the UK & Sunday 2:00 AM in Sydney Australia.
LAST EVENT of the day starts at 4:30 PM Pacific Time, which is 7:30 PM Eastern Time, 12:30 (Midnight) in the UK & Sunday 9:30 AM in Sydney Australia.
NOTE: All event start times are listed in Pacific Time
NOTE: All events will be 1 hour and 15 minutes in length, with a 15 minute break before the next event begins.
Jyoti Ma PhD- USA
Circle of Honor Honoree
A New Dawn is Waking!!! I began my spiritual walk after many years of a spiritual awakening. That prepared me to work globally with others in their awakening processes. And now the whole world is waking. A collective awakening like none other experienced. The Mother Earth is shaking us all awake. The Kogi of the Four Original Peoples of Colombia tell us that the ending is falling into the beginning in 2026. And that the beginning will move forward through those individuals, organizations and movements that are based on Original Principles. Original Principles of reciprocity, collaboration, heart, unity and all life is sacred. The Aboriginal in Australia tell us the New Dawn has arrived. Since the original times the Mother Earth has passed protocols and a way of life to Her Original Peoples. She gave them prophecies that have prepared us for these times, and prophecies that are now instructing us how to walk through these times. And we are all part of this new story!!
Father Charles Ogada - Nigeria
All are One – Be Alike to Everyone. In this talk Father Charles Ogada shall bring to our awareness the one unchanging reality inherent in all – that which is common in all. Unfortunately, this reality cannot be described in words. So the talk will seek to lead us to the platform of experiential awareness of our inherent oneness.
Father Charles Ogada was born in Uturu in Abia State, Nigeria. When he was seventeen, he had a profound spiritual transformation which changed the course of his life. Consequently, he joined the Spiritan order of the Catholic Church so as to deepen that transformation and attained a B.A., M.A. and B.Phil degrees in core aspects of religion and philosophy. Open to the Truth of all religions, Father Ogada travelled extensively in the study of Christian Mystics, Eastern Spirituality, Sufism, the Jewish Cabbala and the teachings of Ramana Marharshi. Thus, he rediscovered the gem of Christian mysticism. Father Charles Ogada founded the Spiritan Self Awareness Initiative (SSAI) in 2010, a registered non-profit humanitarian organisation of which he is the current Executive Director. He runs two free values-based schools, a children’s home for disadvantaged children, two free hospitals, a co-operative farm and many other initiatives. Father Charles spends every waking hour of his life in service to the poor and needy in Nigeria as well as in service to spiritual seekers of all faiths from around the world through the Global Joy Village community. He is a committed campaigner for a loving, inclusive, multi-faith approach to spirituality.
Lawrence Edwards PhD - USA
Awakening In The Darkness Of Kali Yuga. The Eastern spiritual traditions of Buddhism, Hinduism and yoga view this time in history as the fourth age in a cycle of four ages which began many thousands of years ago. This age is called kali yuga, which means the dark age, marked by ignorance, dishonesty and the degraded state of virtues in the world. In the Buddhist tradition it is said that Buddha waited until this most difficult age to incarnate and provide the means needed to awaken from the suffering and the causes of suffering into a state of nondual Consciousness marked by radical freedom. The Hindu and yogic traditions from which Buddhism arose hold similar insights, wisdom and means for awakening to one’s innate, boundlessly loving and free nature. This isn’t the freedom the ordinary mind seeks, however. It is the freedom to know and live into the world the extraordinary qualities of that Unity state of Consciousness known as nirvana, Sahaja Samadhi, moksha or liberation. In this presentation Dr. Lawrence Edwards will be discussing the challenges and opportunities this age presents. He’ll also share empowered practices that have been used for thousands of years to awaken to the Light of the Divine Within, bringing the grace of the One into every moment.
Lawrence Edwards, PhD is the founder and director of the Anam Cara Meditation Foundation. He trained as a monk in India in the 1970’s and 80’s in an ancient Kundalini yoga lineage. He also trained for decades in the Buddhist tradition and received teachings and empowerments from His Holiness the Dalai Lama, His Eminence Tsewang Seetar Rinpoche, Gelek Rinpoche and Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche. He trained in Jungian psychology and is a licensed psychotherapist. He provides spiritual mentoring and meditation training to people around the world. He has been on the faculty of New York Medical College since 1998. He is the author numerous works including: The Soul’s Journey: Guidance From The Divine Within, Awakening Kundalini: The Path To Radical Freedom, and the audio CD titled Om Namah Shivaya – Meditation and Chants. You can learn more about his works at www.thesoulsjourney.com.
Rabbi Simcha Raphael PhD- USA
Rabbi Geela Rayzel Raphael - USA
Hearing the Sacred Calling to Oneness: Eternal Wisdom of Ancient Judaism – In the sacred text of Genesis we read how our ancestor Abraham heard the voice of Spirit saying “Look towards heaven and count the stars… so shall your offspring be, so shall human life on this planet proliferate.” Today, we are all being called into our unique destiny to hear the calling of Spirit. In this presentation Rabbi Simcha Raphael and Rabbi Geela Rayzel Raphael shall share ancient wisdom of Judaism, the call to Oneness of Spirit, Earth and Humanity. We shall be given opportunity to discover how we are each invited to be agents of individual transformation, cultural integration, global peace, and human unity.
Rabbi Simcha Raphael, Ph.D. is Founding Director of the DA’AT Institute for Death Awareness, Advocacy and Training. He received his doctorate in Psychology from the California Institute of Integral Studies and was ordained as a Rabbinic Pastor by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi He has taught at LaSalle University and Temple University and is currently Faculty at the New York Open Center Art of Dying Institute. He has been involved in death awareness education for over thirty years, and works as a psychotherapist and spiritual director in Philadelphia. A member of the Rabbis Without Borders Network, he is author of numerous publications including the groundbreaking Jewish Views of the Afterlife, and co-editor of Jewish End-of-Life Care in Virtual Age: Our Traditions Reimagined. His website is www.daatinstitute.net.
Rabbi Geela Rayzel Raphael is an “unorthodox” visionary rabbi. She has served four congregations, and her path is one of the artist and ritual leader. An award winning singer/songwriter/liturgist Reb Rayzel has six recordings featuring her music including Friday Night Revived, Bible Babe’s a Beltin’ and most recently May the Angels Carry You. Additionally, she is author of two children’s books, Angels for Dreamtime and New Moon. She resides in the Philadelphia area where she performs weddings; paints sacred prayer shawls; offers Shechinah Oracle readings; teaches Jewish spirituality and offers musical Shabbat services and concerts. Currently she serves as spiritual leader of Darkaynu, an independent congregation in Warrington, PA. For more information see www.Shechinah.com.
Our Time Has Come – Lead from the Emerging Future by Co-Creating in the Quantum Field
It is time for those of us with personal experience of Spiritually Transformative Experiences (STEs) to step up and out into leadership. The world is in the midst of a painful awakening through crisis, a collective STE, and we have a huge amount to offer right now. How do we step fully into our potential following a profound STE? How do we successfully navigate the Return part of the Hero’s Journey? How do we bring back the ‘elixir’ to share with the wider community? These are the questions Catherine grappled with following her crisis of awakening in 2003, which left her temporarily in a wheelchair. Using her journey through spiritual emergence(y) to illustrate the principles of co-creating in the quantum field, Catherine will lead us through her signature system. This is the distillation of her entire body of work over the last 18 years, all of which has come directly out of her experience of spiritual emergence(y). From setting up the UK Spiritual Crisis Network right the way through to the upcoming symposium, Catherine will show how the personal IS the planetary.
Catherine G Lucas MA is the author of four books on how to move successfully through crisis and harness the transformational power it holds. A former university lecturer, Catherine left her academic career behind to step into her soul’s deeper calling following a profound crisis of awakening. She set up the UK Spiritual Crisis Network, which is still going strong 15 years later, although she is no longer on the Board of Directors. This year sees the 10th anniversary of the publication of her seminal text In Case of Spiritual Emergency: Moving Successfully Through Your Awakening. Her media appearances include BBC Radio 4 and TimeWarner TV and she regularly speaks internationally. More recently, Catherine has initiated the publication of the open letter, “The Rebirth of People & Planet in a Time of Global Emergency”, along with an accompanying petition to the UN. She is also the Founder of Co-Creating Our Future which delivers online group programs as well as an upcoming symposium later in 2021. Her work has been described as visionary and pioneering.
Spiritual Emergency Resolved over 50 Years
Dr. Sackett will describe a childhood Near-Death Experience, a Shared-Death Experience with his wife of 25 years, and discuss more fully a Spiritual Emergency experience from 1970 that has taken many years to begin to understand, and finally to integrate into his personal and spiritual life. There were many things about the 1970 STE that he didn’t understand at the time, including why he lost touch with the meaning of his human life, the nature of the transcendent part of the experience, and whether he had lost his sanity. The picture started clarifying in 1990, when he learned about the category of Spiritual Emergence, and in the last thirty years as he explored several different spiritual paths, including meditation and Advaita (nonduality). He has now come to understand and integrate what began in 1970.
Brian Sackett PhD is a clinical psychologist in private practice in San Jose, California, and a recent Toronto, Canada resident. He specializes in working with clients dealing with trauma and abuse, spiritual emergence, anxiety, and depression. Prior to becoming a therapist, Brian worked for 25 years in high tech in a variety of positions, including director of sales, national accounts sales manager, product marketing manager, business development manager, and engineering program manager. His undergraduate degree is in mathematics from Stanford University, and he has a master’s degree in counseling psychology, and PhD in transpersonal psychology from the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology. Brian has meditated and studied meditation since he was 21 years old, and has had a number of strong spiritual experiences that have motivated him to do this. Some of the teachers who have influenced him are Baba Ram Dass, Swami Muktananda, Mother Meera, Adyashanti and Mukti, Sat Shree and Pia Ma (from Australia). As a psychotherapist, what he has learned that helps people deal with the intense sufferings of minor and major traumas turns out to be useful in exploring spirituality. Brian currently live in Toronto, Canada, and offers online spiritual guidance sessions and group meditations.
An NDE Life Preview, the Emerald City, and a Shoe on a Ledge
During a rare NDE life preview in 1970, Kimberly was shown three images of her future if she chose to live instead of entering a portal to Heaven that shone before her — a place where “mountains met water,” certainly not in the Midwest USA where her lifeless body lay; a gallery of people with whom she would significantly interact, all strangers at that time; and a life of service. The life of service is what she chose, so she left Kansas with her hamster Toto, traversing the country before landing permanently in Seattle, known then as now as The Emerald City. All of the people whose images she was shown became — and remain in her life — but it was not until she found a tennis shoe on the ledge of hospital where, in another part of the large building, an ICU patient had identified it during a resuscitation. All the pieces came together and Kimberly’s life of service to the field of death and dying and Near-Death Experiences began.
Kimberly Clark Sharp MSW, LICSW, is the author of “After the Light: The Spiritual Path to Purpose” and founder of Seattle IANDS, the world’s oldest support group for near-death experiencers, since 1982. She was named one of the forty most influential people under the age of 40 in the Pacific Northwest, 1987. Kimberly was the founder of the Department of Social Work at the world’s first bone marrow transplant center, a pioneer in the field of critical care social work, Co-Instructor of the Terminal Illness Seminar, School of Medicine, University of Washington (1977 -1999). She is a Clinical Assistant Professor, School of Social Work, University of Washington (retired). Kimberly Clark Sharp’s pioneering NDE support work has been recognized by her induction into the Spiritual Awakenings International Circle of Honor.
The V Code Diagnostic Category of “Religious or Spiritual Problem” in DSM-IV and DSM-5
In 1994, the DSM-IV included the new diagnostic category of “Religious or Spiritual Problem” (V code 62.89) in the V code section of “Other Conditions That May Be a Focus of Clinical Attention” which are by definition not mental disorders: “This category can be used when the focus of clinical attention is a religious or spiritual problem. Examples include distressing experiences that involve loss or questioning of faith, problems associated with conversion to a new faith, or questioning of other spiritual values which may not necessarily be related to an organized church or religious institution.” Both the diagnostic category and its definition were retained in the 2013 DSM-5. In 1992, David Lukoff, Francis Lu, and Robert Turner had submitted a proposal to the DSM-IV Task Force for this new diagnostic category to provide a non-pathological diagnosis for distressing experiences involving religion or spirituality. The goal was to reduce mis-diagnosis of such experiences as psychopathological phenomena consistent with and diagnostic of mental disorders by enlarging the differential diagnosis to include this non-pathological one. By utilizing this diagnostic category, clinicians can provide appropriate religious/spiritual assessment, diagnosis, and treatment planning including possible religious/spiritual interventions consistent with the individual’s and family’s cultural background and identity. A review of the published literature and case vignettes will amplify the significance and use of this diagnostic category.
Dr. Francis G. Lu, M.D., is the Luke & Grace Kim Endowed Professor in Cultural Psychiatry, Emeritus, at the University of California, Davis. As a Distinguished Life Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association (APA), Dr. Lu has contributed to the areas of cultural psychiatry including the interface with religion/spirituality, psychiatric education, diversity/inclusion, mental health equity, and psychiatry/film. He was awarded APA Special Presidential Commendations in both 2002 and 2016 for his contributions to cultural psychiatry and in 2020, he received the APA Distinguished Service Award. Dr. Francis Lu’s groundbreaking work is recognized by his induction into the Spiritual Awakenings International Circle of Honor.
Multiple STE Experiencers Panel
Wendy Rose Williams - USA
You Must Call for Help NOW, or You’re Going Home! “I was working at home in August of 1997, thrilled to be pregnant after years of infertility and two ectopic pregnancies. I was trying to focus on work but had incredible heartburn as well as the strangest sense of impending doom. I suddenly felt a searing pain in my abdomen. I passed out on my bathroom floor, not knowing the fundus at the top of my uterus had ruptured. Because the fundus is an aorta, I was about to lose an estimated three-quarters of my blood supply. I met my Angels for the first time when they saved my life when I was lying unconscious on the floor at home alone. I went Home to the Light a few days later in the hospital the night before surgery. While basking in the unconditional love at Home I learned several critical things, including that life was going to be quite difficult for many years if I chose to return, as I was not on my life path…”
Wendy Rose Williams is a Past-Life Adventure Guide. She helps adults from around the world release pain, anxiety and depression. Wendy leads clients through a healing process via techniques she’s learned working with some of the world’s most renowned hypnotherapy experts, including Dr. Brian Weiss. People are finally able to start living this life with joy and purpose when they release the energy that does not serve them. Wendy is a Certified Spiritual Teacher, Reiki Master energy healer, host of the Waking Up Spiritually! podcast, and an award-winning author as well as hypnotherapist. Wendy’s Amazon author page
Tamara Caulder Richardson - USA
Love from Heaven – My 6 NDEs, the Gifts I Received and the Wisdom I Learned. In this heartfelt spiritual presentation, Tamara briefly highlights her six near-death experiences and various spiritual states she encountered. She talks about seeing the humanoid light beings, Archangel Uriel, angels, guides, going through a tunnel, and seeing Jesus. Then the next year, Tamara died again, spent three days with Christ in Heaven while her body lay in an induced coma from where her lungs collapsed from pneumonia. She talks about what Jesus told her. Currently, Tamara is writing her book, “Love from Heaven – The Story of My SIX Near-Death Experiences, the Gifts I Received, and the Wisdom I Learned.” Join us and get a sneak preview of her NDE story!
Tamara Caulder Richardson, aka, Southern Belle Medium® is a 6X Near-Death Experiencer and Multiple Spiritually Transformative Experiencer, Christ Channeler, Christian Minister, Mystic Seer, and an International Evidential Medium. Tamara was born in Hickory, North Carolina. She is of Cherokee and German-Swedish descent and was born with the gift of “sight”. Tamara believes that her 6 NDEs have enhanced her ability to see into hidden realms. Tamara trained for eight years in the British Style of Evidential Mediumship with International mediums and authors. Tamara currently does medium stage shows for women’s expos, like the Southern Women’s Shows, at city convention centers before large audiences. She is also President of IANDS Charlotte, an ISGO facilitator, and on the Spiritual Awakenings International (SAI) Advisory Board, and speaker for both. As a spiritual teacher, Tamara understands the transition from life to death. We ARE a spirit, and we ARE the Soul that lives a life in a body and then moves on to more teaching on the other side. Tamara is directed by God and Christ. As a daily routine, she prays to God with thankfulness. Tamara is also an ordained Christian minister and a devoted follower of Jesus Christ. Tamara is the host of the popular YouTube Channel, Seeking Heaven: The Near-Death Experience and Other Phenomena, a spiritual talk show that was created “by and for” other NDErs and STErs, and truth seekers, to create a loving soul community. Tamara also has a YouTube Christ Channeled site: Academy of Love: Jesus Speaks . Video of Tamara’s 6 NDE stories.
Greg Thompson - USA
Living with My Spirit Guides. Life comes with many different experiences, some on this earth and others outside of this universe. Greg Thompson will narrate his life and the meaningful relationships he has with his messengers. The audience will see a different perspective of life through Greg’s daily spiritual encounters with his guardian angels. He will speak about his experiences that started when he first met one of his guides at the age of four. His story chronicles how he has grown from a child who accepted his world that others did not understand to a life where he openly talks about his connection to a larger spiritual world. Greg will give the audience a glimpse into how he communicates with his spirit guides, how this changed throughout time, and how he has learned new ways to talk with other forms of life.
Greg Thompson is a retired IBM software engineer who lives with spirit guides daily. They help him through rough times and rejoice with him when life is good. He has had several Near-Death Experiences, one Shared-Death Experience and multiple STEs. Thompson is the current group leader of Portland IANDS.
FIRST EVENT starts at 9:00 AM Pacific Time, which is Noon Eastern Time, 5:00 PM in the UK & Monday 2:00 AM in Sydney Australia.
LAST EVENT of the day starts at 4:30 PM Pacific Time, which is 7:30 PM Eastern Time, 12:30 (Midnight) in the UK & Monday 9:30 AM in Sydney Australia.
NOTE: All event start times are listed in Pacific Time
NOTE: All events will be 1 hour and 15 minutes in length, with a 15 minute break before the next event begins.
After-Death Communication: Confirms that Life and Love are Eternal
An After-Death Communication, or ADC, is a spiritual experience that occurs when someone is contacted directly and spontaneously by a family member or friend who has died. An ADC is a direct experience because no third parties such as psychics, mediums, therapists, rituals, or devices are involved. And an ADC is a spontaneous event because our deceased loved ones always choose when, where, and how they will contact us. Hello From Heaven! founded, defined, researched, and named an entire new field of human experience. Bill will discuss the twelve major types of After-Death Communication that people most frequently report. He will also describe six categories of ADCs that prove they are objective experiences that provide convincing modern-day evidence for life after death. His presentations offer comfort, hope, and healing for everyone who has ever grieved the death of a loved one.
Bill Guggenheim is a pioneer in the field of After-Death Communication (ADC) experiences. He is considered to be the “father of ADC research” and has written and spoken on this subject for more than 30 years. He became a bereaved father when his younger daughter, Jaenet, age 47, ended her physical life in April 2011. Bill and his former wife, Judy Guggenheim, founded, defined, researched, and named an entire new field of human experience that may be as old as mankind. They call it “After-Death Communication” and published their findings in their bestselling book, Hello From Heaven! Bill and Judy conservatively estimate that at least 60 million Americans, or 1 out of 5 people, have had an ADC – though the actual numbers may be closer to double these figures. Bill has been presenting ADC Workshops at conferences and local chapters of bereavement support groups, hospices, churches, colleges, bookstores, and many other types of institutions. His ADC research and Hello From Heaven! have been featured on television (including “20/20” on ABC) and radio (including “Coast To Coast AM with George Noory” twice), and in numerous newspapers and magazines throughout the United States and Canada. Hello From Heaven! has been published in 18 foreign editions and continues to attract readers around the world. Bill Guggenheim has been recognized for his groundbreaking work on ADCs as an Honoree on the Spiritual Awakenings International Circle of Honor. His website is After-Death Communication (ADC): Hello From Heaven.
Evidence of Reincarnation
Reincarnation has been a belief for many people around the planet for thousands of years. But where is the evidence of the reality of reincarnation? In this presentation I will look at startling cases of children with past life memories, veridical past life regressions and spontaneous past life memories. I will also look at what people who have had near death experiences have to say about reincarnation. I will discuss the possible reasons we are all going through a continuing cycle of rebirth and what the goal of all this is.
Simon Bown has a diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy and is certified in Past Life Regression Therapy. He has had many paranormal experiences including psychic flashes, UFO sightings and a number of strange events not easily explained. He took part in his first past life regression in 1987 at the College of Psychic Studies in London. Elements of the past life viewed in this session were later verified. Simon has produced over 150 episodes of The Past Lives Podcast. Each episode is an hour long interview with researchers and people who have had amazing experiences. The podcast looks into reincarnation, near death experiences and other phenomena suggestive of the afterlife. Almost every guest has published a book and Simon has read all of them which has contributed to his in depth knowledge on the subjects covered.
After: A Doctor Explores What Near-Death Experiences Reveal about Life and Beyond
Near-Death Experiences (NDEs) are profound experiences that frequently occur on the threshold of death. They include phenomena that are difficult if not impossible to reconcile with a materialistic view of the mind, such as enhanced thinking and perceptions while the brain in severely impaired, accurate perceptions from outside the physical body, and encounters with deceased persons not known to have died. Dr. Bruce Greyson has been studying NDEs for almost a half century. In this presentation, he shares some of his most important findings on the nature of life and death, illustrating his research data with captivating examples. He will discuss challenges in researching NDEs, establishing the reality of NDEs, the most common features of the experience, various models that have been proposed to explain NDEs, and the dramatic transformations that usually follow NDEs. Finally, he will discuss the implications of NDEs for our understanding of mind and brain, for our understanding of the possibility of postmortem survival, and for our understanding of the relationship between biological and spiritual events and what that implies for what it means to be human.
Dr. Bruce Greyson MD is Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences at the UVA School of Medicine. He served on the medical school faculty at the Universities of Michigan, Connecticut, and Virginia. He was a Co-Founder and a Past President of IANDS, the International Association for Near-Death Studies> He was long-time Editor of the groundbreaking Journal of Near-Death Studies. His award-winning research led him to become a Distinguished Life Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association, and to be invited by the Dalai Lama to participate in a dialogue between Western scientists and Buddhist monks in India. His new book After is the culmination of almost half a century of Dr. Greyson’s scientific research. Dr. Bruce Greyson MD has been recognized for his groundbreaking NDE research as an Honoree on the Spiritual Awakenings International Circle of Honor.
"NDE Talking Dead"™ Panel
Raymond O’Brien -UK
Hanging on by my Fingernails. Raymond O’Brien has surviced 12 Near-Death Experiences. He will discuss the ripples of surviving multiple NDE’s and how it has impacted his life on an everyday basis. This will include people’s own perceptions and misperceptions on how to help NDE/STE Experiencers, and how the medical world has its own introjections. Raymond will discuss how these perceptions can be positive and helpful, but also how they can be challenging or even harmful to the NDE survivor.
Raymond O’Brien is a British multiple NDE Experiencer x12, multiple STE Experiencer, and life-long “seer” which he inherited from his mother’s side of the family. He has survived multiple cardiac arrests and heart attacks with NDEs. His purpose, he believes, is to be back here to help the survivors and the families of those who those have suffered death trauma. He himself holds a qualified and validated experiential spiritual insight to the tsunami of emotions that many have to live with after their lethal event. It is these insights that he feels privileged to be able to impart to the medical profession and others, so they may be better informed on how to support the NDE/STE community. Raymond is a member of the British Association of Counselors and Psychotherapists, and he has spoken at the prestigious Royal London Teaching Hospital on the psychological effects of surviving a cardiac arrest, be this trauma or STEs after the NDE. He has been published by the John Hopkins University on the subject of near death and the lack of care and understanding of this in the medical world, as well as about how he incorporates his own NDEs in his own practice of helping survivors of NDE/STEs.
Robert Bare MPA, PhD - USA - SAI Vice President
The Reckoning: How my NDE Life-Review changed my Life Forever. Robert Bare is an almost-textbook case of someone whose life and values were forever changed by his Near-Death Experiences. Robert Bare will share the fascinating story of his two NDEs that happened on March 22, 2009 when he died twice due to a massive heart attack. They occurred shortly after he boarded a plane, and he was deceased for approximately 45 minutes, during which time he had his first NDE. His second NDE later that day was for approximately 10 minutes. Robert will describe his intense Life-Review that happened during his NDE, when he not only re-experienced his whole life from conception on, but could also sense the thoughts and feelings of all those he had interacted with during his life. Robert’s NDEs shook him to his core. His life was changed forever by the life-review. His NDEs were profiled in the TV show, I Survived Beyond and Back, and he was a featured case study by author Debra Diamond in her book, ”Life After Near Death”. Robert has also interviewed for an upcoming episode on William Shatner’s show “Unexplained” on the History Channel.
Robert Bare MPA, PhD, is the Vice President and Co-Founder of Spiritual Awakenings International. He is the past Vice-President and a former Board member of IANDS. Robert is a retired police officer, who previously served on the Santa Cruz Police Department and then the California Highway Patrol from 1970 to 1992. He attended West Valley College, San Jose State University, the University of California Santa Cruz and The University of San Francisco where he graduated with a Masters Degree in Public Administration, a PhD in Business, as well as two teaching credentials. After retiring from law enforcement, he worked a variety of positions: an Adjunct Professor, a General Manager/City Administrator for three communities, the Executive Director of a Community Resource Center, the Tribal Administrator of a Native American Nation and a Staff Executive/Consultant for an International Consulting Company. Robert has served in his community on the City Planning Commission, a County Drug Free Coalition, the Commission on Children and Families, and as President of a local Humane Society. He also served on the California Special Districts Board of Directors and the California Special Districts Workers Compensation Board. He received recognition when selected as “Peace Officer of the Year 1976”, and nominated as “Special Districts General Manager of the Year 1997”. Active in youth sports, he was nominated as the “Citizen of the Year” twice and received. Robert Bare currently lives in Oregon, where he is working as a grant and technical writer.
Dr. Yvonne Kason MD - Canada SAI President
Circle of Honor Honoree
Lessons Learned from the Other Side. Dr. Yvonne Kason MD has had 5 Near-Death Experiences and multiple other STEs over the course of her life, including two NDEs in her childhood and three NDEs in her adult life. In her most recent NDE, November 8, 2003, she went into a “heavenly” white-light realm, where she was greeted by loving saints, beings of light who telepathically explained to her that she had died. She then entered a state of “pure knowing” where she remembered all her past lives, and past, present, and future all seemed to coexist. Dr. Kason will tell the moving story of her 2003 “death” NDE, and share the powerful soul lessons she has learned through being “on the other side”.
Dr. Yvonne Kason MD, MEd, CCFP, FCFP, is the President and Co-Founder of Spiritual Awakenings International. She is a retired MD-Psychotherapist and Family Physician who previously taught at the University of Toronto, Faculty of Medicine, who has 40 years experience researching and counseling STE Experiencers. She is the person who first coined the phrase “Spiritually Transformative Experience” (STE) in 1994, and she has written extensively about STEs in her last 3 books, her most recent Touched by the Light (2019). Dr. Kason was the first Canadian medical doctor to specialize her practice in 1990 in the counseling and research of persons having diverse types of Spiritually Transformative Experiences. Dr. Kason is also a Past-President of IANDS, (2019-2020), the Co-Founder and Co-Leader of Toronto Awakenings Sharing Group, and a member of ACISTE, the American Center for the Integration of Spiritually Transformative Experiences. She was previously a Co-Founder of the Kundalini Research Network, and the Spirituality in Health-Care Network. She Chaired the University of Toronto’s first international conference on Spirituality in Health-Care in 2002.
The Forever Angels: Near-Death Experiences in Childhood and their Lifelong Impact
This is the first in-depth study ever done on those between birth and age five who had a Near-Death Experience. Combining this with her larger study of child experiencers done in the ‘80s and ‘90s, we now also have the world’s first “complete round” of aftereffects throughout one’s life, from birth, throughout life, to death. Two studies were combined: The first took decades and was of very young children who were looking forward in life. The second, a 3-year study begun in 2015, was primarily with those now in their senior years (the oldest at age 86), who could verify having had a near-death experience between birth and age five. They looked back at their lives – hoping to answer one question: Does having had an NDE at such a young age make a difference? If so, what? This study covers 397 people who remembered their birth, many also in the womb, two of them their own conception (later confirmed by parents – who were shocked). The Forever Angels seeks to answer what changes when the “power punch” of a near-death experience happens to the very young brain/mind assembly, nervous and digestive system, skin sensitivity, and the flow of consciousness itself. Why do most remember “the other side” as a flowing stream of consciousness, the comings and goings of spirit beyond form? Also explored is why most very young child experiencers do not bond with parents – seeming to remain connected to “the other side.” Why are they often considered psychic/intuitive or empathic? Most become highly successful in life at the same time harboring thoughts of suicide – wishing to get back to their “real home. This is so prevalent, regardless of age, that several chapters in the book cover PTSDs vs. NDES, and “Markers” to look for.
PMH Atwater, L.H.D., had three near-death experiences within three months in 1977. This turned her life around completely. The following year, she turned to research because of what she was told to do during her third episode, and became one of the original researchers in the field of near-death studies having completed 18 books either on or related to the subject. Some of her findings have been verified in clinical settings, among them the prospective study done in Holland and published in Lancet Medical Journal (12-15-01). Her latest work, The Forever Angels: Near-Death Experiences in Childhood and Their Lifelong Impact, challenges the entire field and changes the conversation about life and death, reincarnation, and the Life Continuum. Because nearly one-third of those involved in this major study could remember their birth, she wrote six children’s books about animal babies, called Animal Lights Series, that enable parents to sit down with their children and explore being in the womb, birth, and miscarriages. She has since combined the research she did in the sixties and seventies, involving over 3,000 people who were able to learn about metaphysics, altered states, psychic abilities, and the transformation process through Inner Forum, Idaho’s first non-profit metaphysical corporation that she founded. Her website is www.pmhatwater.com. She publishes a free monthly newsletter “For The Curious.”
Panel de Experiencias Espirituales Transformadoras (EET)) en Español -- Spanish Language Experiencers Panel
Francisco Valentin - USA
ECM—Siempre serás Tú. En una tarde de verano en 1979, a consecuencia de un accidente automovilístico, morí. A mi regreso, aprendí cosas que no enseña el mundo. Pero me tomó una vida de experiencias trascendentales y 32 años más tarde para entender lo que ocurrió en ese día y la verdadera razón por la cual regresé. Esta es mi historia, pero en esta ocasión narrada “sin ataduras teológicas.”
NDE—You Will Always Be You! One summer day 1979, due to a fatal car crash, I died and came back with knowledge not taught in schools. But it took a lifetime of transcendental experiences and 32 years before I could learn what happened that day and the reason why I came back. This is my story, without theological ties, this time around.
Francisco Valentín es considerado un verdadero ejemplo cuando se trata de Experiencias de Muerte (EM), Experiencias Cercanas a la Muerte (ECM), Experiencias de Transformación Espiritual (ETE) y comunicación con Maestros Ascendidos. En adición, Francisco es muy respetado como autor, orador, conferenciante y editor de Los Transcritos.
Sus experiencias “en el más allá” no fue lo que llevó a Francisco a estar en el ojo público. Más bien, fue una experiencia trascendental que tuvo lugar el 7 de julio del 2011, cuando un Espíritu de Luz se manifestó a través de la voz de su hijo para recordarle de un pacto que tuvo lugar en 1979 a cambio de retornar a su cuerpo.
Francisco es reconocido por la forma sin igual en que lleva su mensaje, el cual enfáticamente cataloga como uno llevado a cabo en esta ocasión “sin ataduras teologías”
Francisco Valentín is considered a true experiencer when it comes to Death Experiences (DE), Near-Death Experiences (NDE), Spiritual Transformative Experiences (STE) and communication with Ascended Masters. Francisco is also a respected author, speaker, lecturer, and the publisher of the Transcripts.
His experiences ‘on the other side’ are not what brought Francisco to be in the public eye. Rather, it was a transcendental experience that took place on July 7, 2011, when a Spirit of Light manifested through his son’s voice to remind him of an agreement that took place in 1979 in return for his life.
He is well known by his unique and compelling story along with a message from Ascended Masters; one he emphatically refers to as being delivered “Without theological ties, this time around.”
Ingrid Honkala PhD - USA
La Guía Divina de Los Seres de Luz y El Poder de La Conexión. A partir de su experiencia cercana a la muerte (ECM) a los dos años, Ingrid Honkala PhD se hizo consciente de otras dimensiones de realidad y comenzó a ser guiada por Seres de Luz, quienes le dijeron que algún día transmitiría sus enseñanzas a otros. Con el tiempo, también le mostraron a Ingrid, que debemos ir más allá de nuestra historia y le revelaron que el propósito de su ECM era traer de vuelta el mensaje de la importancia de la conexión. La verdadera conexión solo se puede lograr a través del amor incondicional. Sin embargo, muchas personas se mantienen al nivel superficial de la experiencia y no tienen claro qué hacer a continuación. Esta presentación irá más allá de la experiencia: aprenda a realizar su potencial y cumplir sus sueños sin la necesidad de una ECM. Si nuestra esencia es la del Amor, la Paz y la Alegría Universal, entonces la verdadera pregunta es: ¿Qué estoy haciendo para perturbar mi esencia? Aprenda cómo nuestros desafíos no necesitan convertirse en sufrimientos, sino en una puerta consciente a la conciencia misma, el despertar y la evolución, y aprenda cómo conocerse a sí mismo es la forma de redescubrir nuestra Verdadera Naturaleza. Despertar en la conciencia amorosa es el regalo mas valioso que nos estamos dando a nosotros mismos y, por tanto, a la humanidad.
Divine Guidance from Beings of Light and the Power of Connection. From her Near-Death Experience (NDE) at age two, Ingrid Honkala PhD became aware of other dimensions of life and was gifted with guidance from Beings of Light, who told her that someday she would pass their teachings to others. Over time they also showed Ingrid that we must go beyond our story and revealed to her that the purpose of her NDE was to bring back the message of the importance of connection. True connection can only be achieved through unconditional love. However, many people stay at the level of the experience and don’t have clarity of what to do next. This presentation will go beyond the experience: learn how to realize your full potential and fulfill your dreams without the need of an NDE. If our essence is that of Universal Love, Peace and Joy, then the true question is: What am I doing to disturb it? Learn how our challenges don’t need to turn into sufferings, but into a conscious doorway to awareness, awakening and evolution, and learn how knowing thyself is the way to rediscover our True Nature. Attaining loving awareness is the gift that we are giving to ourselves, and therefore to humanity.
La Dra. Ingrid Honkala, nació en Bogotá, Colombia, en donde creció con sus padres y sus tres hermanas. Desde el momento en que se ahogó en un tanque de agua helada cuando tenía casi tres años de edad para luego regresar a la vida, la Dra. Ingrid fue consciente de la existencia de otras dimensiones de realidad distintas a las que la mayoría de nosotros normalmente experimenta. También obtuvo la capacidad de comunicarse con unos sabios y misteriosos “Seres de Luz”, quienes le han proporcionado introspecciones valiosas que han sido de gran ayuda a medida que ella ha ido encarando los retos propios de la vida como crecer, enamorarse y hallar su destino profesional como científica marina y oceanógrafa. A pesar de muchas dificultades, ella ha podido hacer realidad sus sueños, y ha logrado no solo hacerse una exitosa científica marina, ciudadana del mundo y madre, sino también una mentora y portadora de Luz en la vida de otros. En su libro titulado “Una Vida Guiada en La Luz”, el cual es un emocionante relato de la aventura de su vida: desde su nativa Colombia a Europa y a su eventual hogar en los Estados Unidos, y desde una peligrosa zona de guerra a exploraciones submarinas y a un centro de investigación de la NASA – La Dra. Ingrid Honkala nos revela cómo cualquier experiencia humana puede ser iluminada desde adentro. El libro también nos detalla su increíble conexión con los Seres de Luz.
Ingrid Honkila PhD is an author, scientist, “Light worker”, international speaker, sharing the light of loving awareness as her soul’s purpose. Ingrid was born in Bogota, Columbia, where she grew up with her parents and three sisters. From the moment of her NDE at the age of two, Ingrid was aware of other dimensions of life than those most of us normally experience. She was also gifted with the wise input of Being of Light who gave her invaluable insights and assistance as she faced the challenges of growing up and finding her professional destiny as an oceanographer and now as a give of light. Throughout her life journey from her native Colombia to Europe and her eventual home in the USA – and from a deadly war zone to underwater explorations and a NASA research center – Ingrid shares how any human experience can be illumined from within when we are in alignment with inner-guidance. In her autobiography, “A Brightly Guided Life: How a Scientist Learned to Hear her Inner Wisdom” Ingrid details her amazing journey with the Beings of Light.
Ana Gonzales - Mexico
Contra todo pronóstico sobreviví. A los ocho años de edad, supo que no viviría para siempre. Con un corazón descompuesto y contra todo pronóstico, enfrentó con ánimo y valentía los retos que se le presentaron. La vida de Ana Cecilia trasciende más allá de la salud y la enfermedad debido a su determinación y amor apasionado por vivir. En su trayecto tuvo una experiencia cercana a la muerte y regresó para contarlo, dejándonos un legado de fe y de esperanza. Ante la imposibilidad para explicar su supervivencia, Ana Cecilia hoy nos cuenta su historia.
Against all odds, I survived. With a damaged heart, and against all odds, she bravely faced all the challenges which presented themselves. The life of Ana Cecilia transcends matters of health and sickness due to her determination and passion for life. Along the way, she had a near-death experience and came back to tell us about it, leaving a legacy of faith and hope. Unable to explain her survival, Ana Cecilia today tells her story.
Ana Cecilia González Licenciada en Derecho, Maestría en Educación con Orientación en Consejería, Escritora y Conferencista en temas relacionados con mejorar la forma de vivir y prepararse para morir, es originaria de Monterrey, México. Nació con una malformación congénita del corazón y con muy pocas probabilidades de sobrevivir. Su vida ha sido un recorrido largo y a veces difícil, pero nunca imposible. Estudió Ciencias Jurídicas y una maestría en Educación. Ha dedicado gran parte de su vida profesional a la docencia. Tiene dos hijos, Ana Paula y Daniel. Hoy en día está a cargo de un área en el negocio familiar y da pláticas sobre temas de superación personal y concientización. Promueve la vida plena y deseo por vivirla a pesar de las adversidades. Cuando Vivir No Es Para Siempre
Ana Cecilia González MEd, Attorney at Law, writer and speaker on topics related to improving the way of living and preparing for death, was born in Monterrey, México with a congenital heart malformation and with few possibilities of survival. Her life has been a long and, at times, difficult road, but never impossible. She studied Law and attained a Master´s in Education. Much of her professional life has been devoted to teaching. She has two children Ana Paula and Daniel. Today she is in charge of a department in family business and gives talks on issues of personal improvement and awareness. She promotes the value of life and the desire to live it despite adversity. Her book book, When Life is Not Forever, is available in English and in Spanish.
* “Spiritually Transformative Experiences” ™ (STE) was first coined by Dr. Yvonne Kason MD in 1994