Opening Meditation: Awakening the Divine Power Within Us
Sunday, June 9, 2024 – 10:30 AM EDT

Rabbi Yoel Glick
Yogic tradition describes a subtle body of energy centers or chakras underlying our physical form. The Kabbalah also has a similar tradition of a structure of energy centers. It is portrayed as either a Cosmic Tree that serves as the backbone of the universe, or as a subtle form that is the higher correspondence to the body of a human being. I believe that these two teachings describe the same spiritual truth. We live in a world of energies. There is a constant exchange of energy between us and the universe around us. This exchange flows through a network of energy centers that permeate all of Creation on both the macro and micro levels. In our meditation, we will tap into this great network of spiritual power to awaken the divine forces within each of us and channel their light, love, and peace into our world.
Rabbi Yoel Glick is a teacher of Jewish mysticism, one of the pioneers of modern Jewish meditation, and a spiritual mentor who has been guiding seekers on the path for over thirty years. He is the director of Daat Elyon, an online Academy and in-person Center in Jerusalem, Israel that focuses on personal transformation through meditation, the study of mysticism, individual coaching, and the support of spiritual community. Rabbi Yoel teaches in synagogues, ashrams, monasteries, seminaries, and interfaith institutions to students from a multitude of backgrounds in locations across the globe. He is the author of Living the Life of Jewish Meditation: A Comprehensive Guide to Practice and Experience (Jewish Lights), Walking the Path of the Jewish Mystic: How to Expand Your Awareness and Transform Your Life (Jewish Lights) and Seeking the Divine Presence: The Three Pillars of a Jewish Spiritual Life (Trafford).