The Spiritual Emergence of Mother Earth
We are living in unprecedented and prophetic times. The Mother Earth is in Her ascension process. If we can recognize this as Her spiritual emergence process, we can learn to listen to her and what she needs to move through this process. The Original Peoples of this earth have been given instruction and guidance that can help us learn how to awake to these times, and the birthing of The New Dawn. Creation is ending a 26,000 year cycle and opening to the next new 26,000 years. Mother Earth is moving into Her heart chakra. Her ascension has begun. And as this happens, we all are finding ourselves in a choice point for the human species. Will we awake and serve this awakening?
Jyoti Ma [Dr. Jeneane Prevatt, PhD] is an internationally renowned spiritual teacher. She has cultivated projects that demonstrate ways of life that honor the Earth and all Peoples. As the Grandmother Vision Keeper of the Center for Sacred Studies, she co-founded Kayumari with spiritual communities both in America and Europe. Other projects she has helped to convene are the International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers and the Unity Concert. She is the founder of The Fountain. Its mission is to restore an economic model that is based on reciprocity and collaboration guided by Nature and the Sacred. Currently, as a Delegate of the Mother Earth Delegation of United Original Nations, a collaboration with The Fountain has grown, creating a global movement for and with the Earth that is ready to activate the New Day.