How 20-40,000 Brazilian Spiritists Care for Individuals in Spiritual Emergency
For 100+ years Brazilian Spiritists have managed psychiatric hospitals and community centers that offer support for individuals who are having difficulty integrating Spiritually Transformative Experiences and psychic sensitivities. These individuals have had many non-ordinary, transformative experiences, e.g., NDEs, interaction with spirits, experiences of telepathy and psychic openings. Spiritists recognize that receptivity to non-ordinary states are God-given gifts, and need to be understood and harnessed to serve humanity. Spiritists offer effective and comprehensive training towards that end. Outcomes include superlative energy healers, psychic mediums and very compassionate people. Outside Brazil individuals wanting support to integrate non-ordinary states may be perceived as crazy and are often given anti-psychotics. Why? Most healthcare providers have not been taught to recognize these diamonds in the rough–who need care, connection, and training to harness their sensitivities. We have much to learn from Brazilian Spiritists. Emma’s talk will give some pointers.
Dr. Emma Bragdon, PhD (Transpersonal Psychology) spent 6 months of each year,
2001-2012, in Brazil learning from and participating in Spiritist activities. She has written two pioneering books, and co-produced two documentary films about these activities. She was so inspired by her experiences she founded Integrative Mental Health University (IMHU) in 2013. IMHU currently offers 40+ courses emphasizing the positive potential of spirituality in mental healthcare. Emma has trained and certified 100+ ‘Spiritual Emergence Coaches®.’ Since 1983 she has been working in the field of
Spiritual Emergency and currently is a teacher for “Grof ® Legacy Training” for South
America. Once a year Emma takes healthcare providers to Brazil for a 7-day seminar
to learn more about and experience Spiritist Therapies.