Spiritual Awakenings International

Conference 2024


Shaktipat: The Great Awakening

Saturday, June 8, 2024 – 11:00 AM EDT

Brahmananda David Nowe

Brahmananda David Nowe


Brahmananda David Nowe will share personal experience of receiving Shaktipat in 1975 and his Sadhana (practices) for unfolding Kundalini. In addition to kundalini and Shaktipat, he will discuss subtle body, chakras, nadis and kriyas (purifications) that occur spontaneously in Siddha Yoga. The process leads to the Realization of the Self (Atman) and the unfolding of our inner Shakti (innate Divine Powers).

Swami Brahmananda Saraswati was born David Donald Nowe, March 2, 1950, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. He met Swami Muktananda and received Shaktipat Initiation in August 1975. He practiced Sadhana with Muktananda in his ashrams for next eight years.

He practiced Siddha Yoga and studied Kashmir Shaivism and Vedanta philosophies. In 1980 received Sanyasa Diksha and was given the name Brahmananda. In 1981, Muktananda instructed Brahmananda to establish an Ashram in Los Angeles, California, which became Siddha Meditation Center Los Angeles. Muktananda appointed him as National Coordinator of SYDA Centers and Ashrams in the USA, including 35 Ashrams and 350 Meditation Centers.

Brahmananda was very active in Interfaith ministries in the USA and has traveled to more than 75 countries. In 1995 Brahmananda founded the God Realization Ministry, which taught the principles of Siddha Yoga in more than 200 Christian Churches in the USA. From 2015-2019, he was the Spiritual Director of Simple Peace Retreats in Assisi Italy and taught weekly silent meditation retreats for 5 years. The Retreat Center was named A Top Ten Retreat Center in the world by numerous media including CNN, Newsweek, Travel and Leisure Magazine and many more.

Brahmananda has offered Satsangs and conducting Shaktipat Intensives in India the past four years. Brahmananda is a graduate of Columbia University in New York City. He has also studied at Universities in France, Lebanon and Japan. Brahmananda says, “Meditate on your Self. God dwells within you as You.” And “See God in Everyone.”