Spiritual Awakenings International

Conference 2024


Opening Meditation: Resting in the Constant

Saturday, June 8, 2024 – 10:30 AM EDT

Brian Sackett

Brian Sackett, PhD

  Canada     USA

For this meditation, we will focus awareness on that which is constant. We can shift awareness by focusing attention on what does not come and go. Our thoughts, emotions, and body sensations all come and go. Even our breathing goes in and out constantly. Normally those take up all our attention – but by holding the focus on what does not change, we access the place of the spirit within. Here we find a soft radiance of love, light, warmth, and peace. By continually returning to this focus whenever attention is drawn away to thoughts or sensations, we build an experience of more love and light. We will spend 20 minutes enjoying this presence and each other’s energies.

Dr. Brian Sackett, PhD, is a clinical psychologist previously in private practice in San Jose, CA, and is a recent Toronto, Ontario resident. As a psychologist, he specialized in working with clients dealing with trauma and abuse, spiritual emergence, anxiety, and couples’ communication issues. Prior to becoming a therapist, Brian worked for years in high tech in a variety of sales, marketing, and engineering positions, mostly in the semiconductor industry. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in mathematics from Stanford University, as well as a Master’s Degree in Counseling Psychology and a PhD in Transpersonal Psychology from the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology.

He has meditated and studied spirituality since he was 21 and has had many strong Spiritually Transformative Experiences, including a childhood Near-Death Experience, a Shared-Death Experience, and a spiritual emergency following an encounter with Baba Ram Dass and Swami Muktananda twenty years before the Grofs defined spiritual emergence. Brian has presented to the Spiritual Awakenings International first annual conference in 2021, local IANDS groups, the annual IANDS conference in San Antonio, TX, and to the Toronto Awakenings Sharing Group. He currently facilitates an online meditation/self inquiry group and does spiritual guidance and coaching.