Spiritual Awakenings International™

Conference 2022

"Bringing Us Together"™

Father Charles Ogada, 1971 – 2022

We are sad to inform you that Father Charles Ogada passed away on March 31, 2022, before he was able to give this planned presentation.

Morning Meditation: Nothingness is the being of Everything!

photo of Father Charles Ogada from Nigeria.

Father Charles Ogada - Nigeria

Nothingness is the Being of Everything!  In this guided meditation Father Charles Ogada shall bring to our awareness experiencing that SILENCE between two consecutive thought waves, that STILLNESS between the inhalation and exhalation of breath, that PRESENCE behind every unfolding moment.  THIS is the Truth of our true self.

Father Charles Ogada was born in Uturu in Abia State, Nigeria. When he was seventeen, he had a profound spiritual transformation which changed the course of his life. Consequently, he joined the Spiritan order of the Catholic Church so as to deepen that transformation and attained a B.A., M.A. and B.Phil degrees in core aspects of religion and philosophy.  Open to the Truth of all religions, Father Ogada  travelled extensively in the study of Christian Mystics, Eastern Spirituality, Sufism, the Jewish Cabbala and the teachings of Ramana Marharshi. Thus, he rediscovered the gem of Christian mysticism.  Father Charles Ogada founded the Spiritan Self Awareness Initiative (SSAI) in 2010, a registered non-profit humanitarian organisation of which he is the current Executive Director. He runs two free values-based schools, a children’s home for disadvantaged children, two free hospitals, a co-operative farm and many other initiatives.  Father Charles spends every waking hour of his life in service to the poor and needy in Nigeria as well as in service to spiritual seekers of all faiths from around the world through the Global Joy Village community. He is a committed campaigner for a loving, inclusive, multi-faith approach to spirituality.