Morning Meditation: Connecting with Stillness

Dr. Brian Sackett, PhD - Canada and USA
Connecting with Stillness. Brian will lead a 15-minute guided meditation focusing on awareness of one’s stillness. By relaxing into the spiritual core of one’s beingness, accessed by placing both hands over the sternum and focusing our attention there, we connect with simply being completely secure and OK. Some of the tools used will be softening, resting and amplifying Presence. Allowing the peace of this to radiate is both calming and loving. The meditation offers a chance to experience this for oneself.
Dr. Brian Sackett, PhD, is a psychologist, previously in private practice in San Jose, CA, USA, and is a recent Toronto, Canada resident. He specializes in working with clients dealing with trauma and abuse, spiritual emergence, anxiety, and couples’ communication issues. He has a Bachelor of Science degree in mathematics from Stanford University, a Master’s degree in Counseling Psychology and a PhD in Transpersonal Psychology from the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology. Brian has presented to the Toronto Awakenings Sharing Group, to the Spiritual Awakenings International first annual conference, to Toronto Awakenings Sharing Group and many other local and national groups. Brian facilitates an online meditation/self-inquiry group and currently does spiritual guidance and coaching. Brian Sackett serves on The Board of Directors of Spiritual Awakenings International, as Treasurer.