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Saturday, Nov. 16, Online - 1 PM Eastern Time/ 10 AM Pacific Time/ 6 PM in UK/ 7 PM in EU/ Sunday 5 AM in Sydney, AU

Rev. Bill McDonald – WARRIORS – We Are Just One – Veterans, Military, and First Responders Event

“Warrior” is not just a term that I use only for my fellow combat veterans. I embrace all of us who are true Spiritual Warriors. We are all seekers looking for the LIGHT and for LOVE.

This November, we embrace and remember specifically our military veterans. However, I want to honor “all warriors” as I know many of the spiritual issues facing veterans are the same that all true seekers may face. I want to unite both veterans and non-veteran warriors in a common spiritual bond. We are truly just ONE.

Veterans have mystical and supernatural events happen not only in war, but while navigating their life journey. I want to share with them, for those who love them, or those who want to understand them better. I want to unite warriors in a theme of shared common experiences; NDEs, OBEs, STEs and After-Death Communications.

Rev. Bill McDonald

Rev. Bill McDonald: Spiritual TeacherAuthor, minister, 3 Near-Death Experiences (NDEs), International Motivational Speaker, Energy Healing Teacher, Award-Winning Poet, Yoga Meditation Teacher, Vietnam Combat Veteran (Awarded: Distinguished Flying Cross, Bronze Star Medal, Purple Heart, 14 Air Medals, Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry and others.)

Rev. Bill is currently in the middle of his 3-year world speaking tour in Asia, Europe, India and the Middle East. He gives self-healing workshops all over the world for free, never charging for his services and talks.

Recently honored by President Biden in 2022 for his lifetime commitment to service to the veteran community, recognized with a State of California Assembly Resolution in 2023 for his lifetime achievements to the veteran community, 20-plus awards from the California State legislatures and the US Congress for service to the veteran community. Member of UC Davis Poetry Hall of Fame, 2005.

More about Rev. Bill


  • A Spiritual Warriors Journey – 2003
  • Purple Heart Poetry from the Vietnam War – 2003
  • Sacred Eye – Poetry in Search of the Divine –National Award as Best Poetry Book
  • 2004.
  • *Warrior A Spiritual Odessey – 2015
  • *Alchemy of a Warrior’s Heart – 2018
  • I Remember Tomorrow – 2024
  • *Books translated into Spanish and German.