Upcoming SAI Events
Spiritual Awakenings International®
Join us for our online Spiritual Awakenings International® events!
Registration is free.
Suggested Event Donation $15 to $30.
Note: event link will be sent the day prior to the meeting.

Toronto Awakenings Sharing Group’s “Experiencers” Sharing Circle, co-hosted by Spiritual Awakenings International is an opportunity for anyone who has had a Spiritually Transformative Experience™ to come together with a group of other STE “Experiencers” to share and to listen.
Conceptual symbol of multiracial human hands making a circle on white background with a copy space in the middle
Spiritually Transformative Experiences (STEs)™* include, but are not limited to the following: 1. Near-Death Experiences; 2. Other Death-Related STEs such as: Deathbed Visions, Death-Watch Experiences/Shared-Death Experiences (in which one has a spiritual experience when another person dies), and After-Death Communications; 3. Mystical experiences: 4. Diverse Psychic or Intuitive Experiences, including clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, out-of-body experiences, past-life recall, mediumship, channeling, and more…5. Spiritual energy and/or Kundalini Awakening; and 6. Inspired creativity
Many people who have had Spiritually Transformative Experiences do not know to identify them as such.If you think that perhaps you have had such an experience or you are interested in learning more, you are welcome to join the Experiencers Circle to share and learn.
The group will be moderated by the Toronto Awakenings Sharing Group co-founders and will offer an opportunity to share informally, and without a larger audience. Registration is required in order to receive the private link to the online meeting.
This meeting will be private and confidential, and will NOT be recorded. The Experiencers Sharing Circle will observe guidelines for respectful and supportive communication. It is offered free of charge.
You will receive the link to the online meeting the day before the meeting. Please remember to have your camera on during the meeting and ensure that the name of your computer matches the registration name, otherwise when you are in the videoconference waiting room, we will not know it is you. If we are unsure about your identity, we will endeavour to reach you at that moment, through the video platform and confirm who you are. If we are unable to do so you may not be allowed access to the meeting, for security reasons.
Please arrive 15 minutes early to the online session. You will be placed in the waiting room and will be taken into the meeting at the meeting start time. We ask for you to log in early so that we can see who is waiting and can check you in on our systems. We will do our utmost to start the meeting on time. It may be the case that the meeting will begin a few minutes late and, if so, please continue to wait in the waiting room. Your computer will display a message letting you know that you are waiting for the host to admit you.
For any questions, please contact us: info@TorontoAwakenings.org, or info@spiritualawakeningsinternational.org
*”Spiritually Transformative Experiences”™ is a phrase first coined by Dr. Yvonne Kason in 1994
SAI Disclaimer
All Spiritual Awakenings International® (SAI) affiliated groups and featured speakers are fully independent from Spiritual Awakenings International Inc. and are not agents of SAI. Any views expressed by SAI affiliated groups, their speakers, and by SAI event featured speakers are their own personal views, and do not represent the official views or position of Spiritual Awakenings International®.
June 15, 2020.