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Spiritual Awakenings International®

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Saturday, December 21, Online - 1 PM Eastern Time/ 10 AM Pacific Time/ 6 PM in UK/ 7 PM in EU/ Sunday 5 AM in Sydney, AU

Sharon Sananda Kumara – From Near-Death to New Life: My NDE Journey to My Soul Awakening  

In this talk, Sharon will share how her second Near-Death Experience (NDE), where she was met by Christ and taken to another world she recognized as her home world, became the catalyst for healing a lifetime of debilitating anxiety and unresolved trauma — including trauma from past lives. Christ worked closely with her, guiding her to the center of her soul, allowing her to remember life experiences back to the fall of Atlantis and the Galactic Wars. She’ll share practical exercises and tools that anyone can use to unlock their own memories and heal unhealed traumas.

Sharon Sananda Kumara

Sharon Sananda Kumara

Sharon Sananda Kumara is an Intuitive and Spiritual Counselor, Psychic-Medium, Channel, Life Coach, and Hypnotherapist with over 20 years of experience, specializing in Past Life Therapy. Her path was transformed after her second Near-Death Experience (NDE) in 2001 when she was met by Christ and taken to her home world.

Sharon shares this profound experience in her book, Awakened Soul. Her mission is to help others reconnect with their True Self through healing and self-discovery. Sharon is an expert in multidimensional travel, including out-of-body experiences (OBEs) and lucid dreaming, and offers courses on these topics through The Kumara Academy of Transformation.

Sharon’s links: