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Spiritual Awakenings International®

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1 PM Eastern Time, 10 AM Pacific Time, 5 PM in the UK, Sunday 6 AM in Auckland, NZ

The Great Global Awakening: Science, NDE, Mysticism, and A Hope for Humanity

The global Near-Death Experience phenomena is the first of its kind in scope, quantity, and quality in the history of humanity. Science is driving Spirituality Transformative Experiences (including Mystical Experiences) globally. NDEs are a type of Mystical Experience but there are many other types of Mystical Experiences too.

What is a Mystical Experience? Learn common forms of Mystical Experiences that remain repressed in the public square. Understand where we are, how we got here, where we are headed, just how big this is, and why there is hope for the future of humanity even as we careen into the Anthropocene.

Rev. Peter Panagore, MDiv, is an international audible best-selling author and two-time Near-Death Experiencer.  He died when he was 21 years old while ice climbing, and again at 56 from a heart attack. A nature-born mystic, with multiple out-of-body and in-body mystical experiences, before and following his NDEs.

Peter studied English at The University of Massachusetts and Western Mysticism at Yale Divinity School.  He served as community minister from New England pulpits for nearly two decades before being recruited as an inspirational storyteller to broadcast TV, FM, and AM daily. As the fifth minister of America’s oldest religious broadcast, Peter wrote and told seventeen hundred stories of hope to an audience of eighty thousand daily during NewsCenterMaine (NBC) for fifteen years. Catch him live on Sundays at Not Church on his YouTube Channel, where he teaches mysticism, centering prayer, Kriya yoga in community, and the experiential Presence of The Ineffable. Find out more at peterpanagore.love.

Covers of Books by Rev. Peter Panagore about mystical experiences, Near-Death Experiences, Spiritually Transformative Experiences, spiritual awakenings and global awakening.