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Francisco Valentín presentará la cronología de Experiencias Espiritualmente Transformadoras que lo llevaron a ser hoy día el intérprete de Maestros Ascendidos conocidos como ‘La Fuerza Colectiva de Conocimiento Y Sabiduría.’ En su forma única de expresarse, Francisco probará con vivencias de primera mano que: —La vida continúa después de la muerte —Existe la intervención divina —Lo que es una experiencia cercana a la muerte —Las profecías existen —Hay acuerdos espirituales Al final, Francisco los ayudará a recordar nuestra verdadera naturaleza, origen y el propósito de la vida misma, pero esta vez, sin atadura teológica alguna.
Francisco Valentín es considerado un verdadero ejemplo cuando se trata de Experiencias de Muerte (EM), Experiencias Cercanas a la Muerte (ECM), Experiencias de Transformación Espiritual (ETE) y comunicación con Maestros Ascendidos. En adición, Francisco es muy respetado como autor, orador, conferenciante y editor de Los Transcritos. Sus experiencias “en el más allá” no fue lo que llevó a Francisco a estar en el ojo público. Más bien, fue una experiencia trascendental que tuvo lugar el 7 de julio del 2011, cuando un Espíritu de Luz se manifestó a través de la voz de su hijo para recordarle de un pacto que tuvo lugar en 1979 a cambio de retornar a su cuerpo. Francisco es reconocido por la forma sin igual en que lleva su mensaje, el cual enfáticamente cataloga como uno llevado a cabo en esta ocasión “sin ataduras teologías”
Chronicle Of A Spiritual Experience Like No Other! (Was presented in Spanish.)
One summer day 1979, due to a fatal car crash, Francisco died and came back with knowledge not taught in schools. But it took a lifetime of transcendental experiences and 32 years before he could learn what happened that day and the reason why he came back. Francisco Valentín will present the chronology of Spiritually Transformative Experiences that led him to become the interpreter of Ascended Masters known as ‘The Collective Forces of Knowledge And Wisdom.’ In his unique ways, Francisco will attest, from first-hand experience that: *Life continues after death *There is divine intervention *What a near-death experience truly is *Prophecies do exist *There are spiritual agreements In the end, Francisco will help you remember your origin and true life purpose, but without theological ties, this time around.
Francisco Valentín is considered a true experiencer when it comes to Death Experiences (DE), Near-Death Experiences (NDE), Spiritual Transformative Experiences (STE) and communication with Ascended Masters. Francisco is also a respected author, speaker, lecturer, and the publisher of the Transcripts. His experiences ‘on the other side’ are not what brought Francisco to be in the public eye. Rather, it was a transcendental experience that took place on July 7, 2011, when a Spirit of Light manifested through his son’s voice to remind him of an agreement that took place in 1979 in return for his life. He is well known by his unique and compelling story along with a message from Ascended Masters; one he emphatically refers to as being delivered “Without theological ties, this time around.”
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All Spiritual Awakenings International® (SAI) affiliated groups and featured speakers are fully independent from Spiritual Awakenings International Inc. and are not agents of SAI. Any views expressed by SAI affiliated groups, their speakers, and by SAI event featured speakers are their own personal views, and do not represent the official views or position of Spiritual Awakenings International®.
June 15, 2020.