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Spiritual Awakenings International®
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Suggested Event Donation $15 to $30.
Note: event link will be sent the day prior to the meeting.

More than ever, people are experiencing an awakening of consciousness. We currently live in a spiritual candy store where we’ve never had more access to tools that can expand our awareness.
Yet as glamorous as it may all seem, spiritual awakening usually requires navigating and overcoming personal, interpersonal, and planetary challenges. There are gifts too, many of which are integral in creating a more beautiful, healthful, and wholesome planet, but to use them we must respectfully and humbly learn to work with and through them.
Incredibly, we are each hardwired to experience the extraordinary in our own unique way, and when we consciously choose to embrace and celebrate life’s spiritual dimensions we unlock our innate power, purpose, and pizzazz. In this talk, Nicole will be sharing her personal experiences of the extraordinary and why she’s convinced now is the best time ever to step unabashedly into the force of awesome that we were all born to be — warts and all.
Dr. Nicole Gruel PhD is an author, speaker, mama, and specialist in spiritual health, who descends from a 700 year lineage of samurai. A near-death experience as a teenager and numerous other spiritually transformative experiences since have inspired her to cheerlead others through their extraordinary experiences towards life prosperity, joyful livelihood, and to become the Agents of Awesome they were meant to be.
Nicole has a Doctorate in Integral and Transpersonal Psychology, is an advisory Board member for Spiritual Awakenings International, mentors coaches for the International Association for Near-Death Studies as well as the American Center for the Integration of Spiritually Transformative Experiences, is a certified counsellor and life coach, and has trained in various healing and energy psychology modalities. But most importantly, she’s deeply passionate about co-creating a more beautiful world where each and every person shines their quirky light anabashedly bright.

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All Spiritual Awakenings International® (SAI) affiliated groups and featured speakers are fully independent from Spiritual Awakenings International Inc. and are not agents of SAI. Any views expressed by SAI affiliated groups, their speakers, and by SAI event featured speakers are their own personal views, and do not represent the official views or position of Spiritual Awakenings International®.
June 15, 2020.