Spiritual Awakenings International™

Conference 2022

"Bringing Us Together"™

Awakening in Intense Times

photo of Dr Nicole Gruel PhD from Australia, STE and NDE Experiencer, author, psychologist

Dr. Nicole Gruel, PhD - Australia

Our world has changed irreversibly over the past 2 years. During these intense times, lives have been turned completely upside down. As values and paradigms get challenged in the global disarray, it’s created the perfect storm for spiritual awakenings to occur individually and collectively. But then what? What we do with our awakening has become a key invitation of our times—one that is significantly shaping our future as a human species. Will we spiritually mature and embrace the opportunity for co-creating a more wholesome planet? Will be potentiate the gifts of our awakening experiences? Will we rise to the occasion and be the change we truly desire to make this world an even more beautiful place…even a heaven on earth, as so many spiritual experiencers have tasted?

Dr. Nicole Gruel is an author, speaker, mama, and specialist in spiritual health, who descends from a 450-year lineage of samurai. A Near-Death Experience as a teenager and numerous other spiritually transformative experiences since have inspired her to cheerlead others through their extraordinary experiences towards life prosperity, joyful livelihood, and to become the Agents of Awesome they were meant to be. Nicole has a Doctorate in Integral and Transpersonal Psychology, has mentored coaches, is a certified counsellor and life coach, and has trained in various healing and energy psychology modalities. But most importantly, she’s deeply passionate about co-creating a more beautiful world where each and every person shines their quirky light unabashedly bright.  Dr. Nicole Gruel serves on the Advisory Board of Spiritual Awakenings International.